Re-Inspections offer peace of mind to homebuyers and owners that all the defects and damages in the home have been repaired. This inspection can be performed as a follow-up to the General Home Inspection after the repair list has been addressed…at NO ADDITIONAL COST!
Manufactured Home Foundation Certifications
If you are selling or buying a manufactured home, then most likely a foundation certification will be required. For all FHA and VA loans, an engineer’s foundation certification is required. We have partnered with engineers to provide a turn-key foundation certification service to you.

Basic Drinking Water Test
The FHA/VA Basic Drinking Water Test Kit supplies the necessary equipment to quickly and efficiently collect a drinking water sample to analyze it for the FHA & VA minimum panel for drinking water contaminants: Total Coliform, E. coli, Lead, Nitrates, Nitrites, and Turbidity. The corresponding informational water quality testing report will be issues within 2-3 business days of the sample and will compare your sample results to national standards that are defined within the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Regulations.
Mold & Indoor Air Quality Testing
Identification and enumeration of fungal spores by use of air spore traps and/or bio-tape which includes consultation for mold issues, sampling protocol, report interpretation, and building science issues.
Radon Testing
Radon is an invisible and odorless radioactive gas which occurs naturally from decaying uranium underneath the earth’s surface. Radon gas is the #1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Radon can show up in any home or office. Though you cannot see, smell, or taste radon, it is there and may be a problem in your home or office. Radon gas rises through the soil and seeps through cracks, holes, and drainpipes in the foundation or basements of buildings. Radon gas can be found all over the United States, and according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1 out of every 15 homes in the United States has high levels of radon gas.
Lead Based Paint Testing
Meets EPA Title X requirements for real estate transactions with results provided within 24 hours of testing. Lead-based paint is a notorious culprit. Many homes/apartments built before 1960 have heavily leaded paint and homes/apartments built prior to 1978 may also contain paint with dangerously high levels of lead. Lead based paint can be on walls, ceilings, woodwork, windows, furniture (cribs), children’s toys and even floors.
Pools, Termite (CL-100), Septic Tank Inspections
These inspections can be setup by our office with a trusted third-party referral partner.
Home Maintenance Inspection
We recommend that our clients schedule annual Home Maintenance Inspections to ensure that issues in the home never go unnoticed. By having the home inspected 12-18 months, homeowners find that their small and manageable maintenance issues don’t grow into overwhelming and expensive repairs.
Pre-Listing Home Inspection
Sellers who schedule a Pre-Listing Home Inspection often find that they have an easier time moving their home once it’s on the market. These inspections are like the General Home Inspection and are performed before a home is listed for sale, giving the seller time to repair any damages before potential buyers see the home. We work with the seller to update the report as repairs are made.
New Construction/Builders Inspection
New Construction Inspections are a great tool for builders who want an outsider’s perspective before the final construction walkthrough. We will inspect the home for any unnoticed defects in construction and ensure that the new home is safe and up to all industry standards.
New Construction Phase Inspection
Buyers and Builders also have the option of having the home inspected after each phase in a home’s construction. This step-by-step inspection allows the builder to know that every component of the home is free from defect before moving on to the next one.
11th Month Inspection
Many homes are put under a one-year warranty after construction is complete. This warranty protects the new homeowners from being financially responsible for any defects in construction. Having the home inspected during the 11th month of the warranty gives the owner time to have covered damages and defects repaired.